Physical Education

Taught by Nate Alford



Nate Alford

  • 2 years

  • Encouraging students to become student-athletes and build community and school pride. Participating in extracurricular activities give student-athletes leadership opportunities outside of the classroom.

Section Styles teacher

The primary goal of the Physical Education program at St. Aloysius Gonzaga Catholic School is to give glory and praise to God by incorporating physical activity into the daily lives of our students. In class, students are expected to treat one another with respect, kindness, compassion and care through collaboration and participation in physical activities, games, and sports. Our ultimate goal is for students to develop a lifetime passion for and habit of participation in physical activities that can sustain fitness while further developing their relationship with God as they learn to navigate the interwoven health of body, mind, and spirit.

Contact Nate Alford at


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